I Need a Vacation…
…so I am in the middle of taking one. With my disability, traveling, whether it is to visit family or just to go on vacation, is rather difficult. As I have gotten older my various equipment needs have greatly increased. Obviously, since I am in a wheelchair, that goes with me wherever I go. My dad can't really lift me anymore, so we need a patient/hoyer lift to transfer me to and from my wheelchair. (I'll let you figure out what types of things that complicates, especially on the road since flying is out of the question.) I have a good deal of supplies precipitated from my last two surgeries in the last several years. This also includes the various equipment I need to support my breathing such as a non-invasive ventilator that I use with a mouthpiece during the day and basically a bipap with a nasal mask at night (not to mention the equipment we bring in case I should develop a cough or aspirate food). With all of this you probably get at least some idea how much this complicates travel.
My last vacation was about a year and a half ago during Christmas of 2019 to visit family in Oklahoma. Not that I have really minded, but I haven't had a real break since then (and actually I did some work during our trip). I was taught to have a good work ethic and to depend on God for strength, so working without a break didn't really bother me. Needless to say, I thought it would be good to get a little R&R before I hit the ground running to start establishing my ministry.
Some people, possibly even one of you reading this, have asked me “how is your new ministry going?” Well, other than this blog I've not really started yet. I have been on break since my last day at Redemption Hill Church on May 16 and I will begin working on my new ministry on June 1. I realize it seems a little anticlimactic to try to hype up my new ministry only to take slightly over two weeks off first thing, but this will help me get some rest and get all of that excess energy to do something fun out of my system. Even after my break, it will probably take a few months before all my research is finished, an organization of some kind is legally established, and you begin seeing additional content such as videos. My goal is to officially launch near the beginning of September, but we will see how things go. As I mentioned before, just know that you can follow all of my progress through this blog.
Now that you know I am on break for the next week, there is one other matter I would like to address.
Why “Wheel” Truth?
I have heard many people ask what the name Wheel Truth means. Yes, it does have to do with the real truth. I certainly hope to share the real truth of the gospel and to react to things from the perspective of the real truth as presented in God's word. The name is intended to refer to that, but I also substituted a word for real. Why did I do that? It is really quite simple. Since I am in a wheelchair, I thought using the word wheel in place of real would be a fun play on words. I guess I could have called it Rotam Veritas (Latin for wheel truth), but that doesn't quite have the same ring to it. God has used my disability and my time in a wheelchair to give me a unique perspective on life which I hope to share in addition to the real truth. It is my hope that God will use this to inspire and encourage others to serve God no matter what life brings their way. There is not intended to be any ambiguity in the name, but I do realize it's not always immediately obvious. That's why I thought I would just let you know.